Skin & VD
Dr. Shalini Patodiya
Senior Resident, Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist, Senior Resident, Junior Resident, Blood Bank officer, F.A.G.E
DNB (Reg.), DDVL, M.B.B.S, F.A.G.E- E-mail:shalini@meerahospital.com
About Me:
Dr. Shalini Patodiya, D.D.V.L. F.A.G.E. — Dermatologist & Laser Specialist, gives full & personal attention to each & every client apart from the routine dermatology consultation.
Our clinic has the latest technologies like hair removal, laser, scar surgeries, vitiligo surgeries. Laser for Wrinkles.
Teaching Experience
Three years of experience teaching undergraduate medical students and students of allied health sciences.
Teaching methods included undergraduate practical sessions, seminars, journal clubs, closed and open discussion groups, clinical society meetings, and integrated and problem-based learning.
Responsibilities in current academics included
- Undergraduate teaching
- Tutorials and assessments
- Presenting & attending journal clubs
- Presenting & attending seminars
Besides academics, our dept. entertained a heavy OPD, and I am also trained in the following procedures
- Microdermabrasion
- Electrocautery
- Radiofrequency
- Subscision
- Punch biopsy
- Mesopen
- Chemical peeling
- Suction blister grafting
- Electroepilation
- Nail avulsion
Conferences Attended
- “Conference on the History of Indian Science, Technology and Medicine”.21st Sep 2003. KMC, Manipal.
- “ Dermacon 2011” as member of scientific committee 3-6th February 2011, Gurgaon, Haryana
- “Workshop on aesthetic laser” 17-18th March 2012, PGIMS, Rohtak
- “CME on Recent advances in Acne”, 19th December 2011, Rohtak. Organized by the American Academy of Continuing Medical Education.
Dr. Shalini Patodiya, D.D.V.L. F.A.G.E. — Dermatologist & Laser Specialist, gives full & personal attention to each & every client apart from the routine dermatology consultation.
Our clinic has the latest technologies like hair removal, laser, scar surgeries, and vitiligo surgeries. Laser for Wrinkles.
- Skin tag & wart removal
- Peeling
- Fairness treatment
- Hair removal laser
- Laser for Wrinkles
- Photo facial
- Acne treatment
- Vitiligo surgeries
- Radiofrequency